This is my first mod that adds more zombies to the game. Currently there are 14 new zombies added in my mod and I am planning to add more!
Current Mobs and Features :
Zombie Notch
Burns in daylight. Kills you instantly. Drops 0-4 apples. Rare Chance of dropping golden apples. Moves Half the speed of a normal zombie. Fights Zombie Herobrine.
Zombie Miner
Does not burn in the daylight. Same attack strength as the player. Drops 0-4 cobblestone. Moves the same speed as the player. Has new rare drops: Coal, iron/stone pickaxes, and iron ingots.
Cookie Zombie
Burns in the daylight. Attack deals 1 heart. Drops 0-4 cookies. 2x faster then a normal zombie.
Zombie Creeper
Burns in the daylight. Blows up like a creeper except a larger radius. Drops 0-4 TNT blocks. Same speed as a zombie.
Zombie Pirate
Doesn't burn in the daylight. Attack is double a zombie's strength. Drops 0-4 gold nuggets. Has a rare chance of dropping gold ingots+gold sword. Same speed as player.
Zombie Pa
Doesn't burn in the daylight, attack is 3 times a zombie's attack, Drops 0-4 leather and has a rare drop of leather armor. Walks a-bit faster then the player.
Nether Zombie
Spawns in the nether, makes zombie sounds, when attacked makes zombie pigman sounds, when dying makes dying ghast sounds, Invulnerable to damage , Drops 0-4 rotten flesh, Same speed as a zombie and has the same rare drops as a normal zombie. Has rare drops related to the nether: netherwart,magma cream, ghast tears, and blaze powder.
Zombie Cyborg
Makes Zombie Sounds and when you attack him you can hear his circuit breakers crunching every hit you take to stay alive. As powerful as a pirate zombie. Drops 0-4 redstone. Has a rare chance of dropping other redstone-related items aka repeaters and pistons.
Zombie Dwarf
Walks as fast as the player. Grunts when you attack him. Attacks fast but does 1/2 a heart of damage. When they die they drop 0-4 coal.
Zombie Herobrine
Runs around the world really fast. Attack deals 1/2 a heart. They drop blocks of fire (WIP) and has a rare drop of diamonds. Attacks ZombieNotch.
Zombie King
Walks slower than a normal zombie due to his armor's weight. His golden armor protects him like a player wearing armor. They drop gold ingots and has a rare chance of dropping gold armor and tools.
Zombie Knight
This zombie follows the Zombie King. He deals 1 1/2 hearts of damage. In a future update I will add more armor and weapons to him to make him look more like a knight. He drops obsidian and has a rare chance of dropping chainmail armor.
Disco Zombie
Walks a little faster than the average zombie. Drops 0-4 noteblocks and has a rare chance to drop a jukebox and different records. Damage deals 1 heart and burns in the daylight.
Zombie Butcher
The Zombie Butcher is a mob that walks as fast as the player. He burns in the daylight and drops different raw meats like raw beef, chicken, and pork. He has a rare chance to drop the iron axe which he uses to slaughter the animals. In a future update, I will make him attack those mobs and also hold a new item: the bone-saw.
They walk around killing zombies when they are not tamed. Befriend them by giving them iron ingots. After you give him iron he will fight for you. If you right click them with a empty hand, they will stand guard where they are. When they die they drop 0-4 bread.
Zombie Creeper Cape!
If you install Mo' Zombies 0.95 or greater, you will be wearing a zombie creeper cape! In order for it to show up on your character you MUST have internet connection. If you don't, You will not be wearing the cape.
Mob Heads
I have been working on adding mob heads to the mod. All of them have been added since 1.32. I will be adding a custom item where you can get them in survival mode. Also, easter egg :D. If you are one of my followers you will get the idea.
As of the 1.5 update, I have added the ability for the mobs to spawn in dungeons. There are a few known bugs with the spawner not spawning the mob. Be patient as I fix them in the next few updates.
How to install:
1A.) Download and install Forge Universal 7.7.1 HERE
1B.) Download the most recent Mo' from below.
2.) Make sure you have a mods folder in the .minecraft directory, If you don't have this folder, make one.
3.) Drag the Mo' file into the mods folder
+Optional: If you would like to have the cape, drag the bfk.class file found in the Mo' into the minecraft.jar+
4.) Start up the game and survive!
1A.) Download and install the Minecraft Forge Universal server software.
2.) Downlaod the most recent Mo' from below.
3.) Run the server at-least once in order to generate needed files.
4.) Drag the Mo' file into the mods folder.
5.) Run the server and try to survive with friends!